Source code for nyaggle.hyper_parameters.parameters

from more_itertools import first_true
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from nyaggle.hyper_parameters.catboost import parameters as params_cat
from nyaggle.hyper_parameters.lightgbm import parameters as params_lgb
from nyaggle.hyper_parameters.xgboost import parameters as params_xgb

def _get_hyperparam_byname(param_table: List[Dict], name: str, with_metadata: bool):
    found = first_true(param_table, pred=lambda x: x['name'] == name)
    if found is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Hyperparameter {} not found.'.format(name))

    if with_metadata:
        return found
        return found['parameters']

def _return(parameter: Union[List[Dict], Dict], with_metadata: bool) -> Union[List[Dict], Dict]:
    if with_metadata:
        return parameter

    if isinstance(parameter, list):
        return [p['parameters'] for p in parameter]
        return parameter['parameters']

def _get_table(gbdt_type: str = 'lgbm'):
    if gbdt_type == 'lgbm':
        return params_lgb
    elif gbdt_type == 'cat':
        return params_cat
    elif gbdt_type == 'xgb':
        return params_xgb
    raise ValueError('gbdt type should be one of (lgbm, cat, xgb)')

[docs]def list_hyperparams(gbdt_type: str = 'lgbm', with_metadata: bool = False) -> List[Dict]: """ List all hyperparameters Args: gbdt_type: The type of gbdt library. ``lgbm``, ``cat``, ``xgb`` can be used. with_metadata: When set to True, parameters are wrapped by metadata dictionary which contains information about source URL, competition name etc. Returns: A list of hyper-parameters used in Kaggle gold medal solutions """ return _return(_get_table(gbdt_type), with_metadata)
[docs]def get_hyperparam_byname(name: str, gbdt_type: str = 'lgbm', with_metadata: bool = False) -> Dict: """ Get a hyperparameter by parameter name Args: name: The name of parameter (e.g. "ieee-2019-10th"). gbdt_type: The type of gbdt library. ``lgbm``, ``cat``, ``xgb`` can be used. with_metadata: When set to True, parameters are wrapped by metadata dictionary which contains information about source URL, competition name etc. Returns: A hyperparameter dictionary. """ param_table = _get_table(gbdt_type) found = first_true(param_table, pred=lambda x: x['name'] == name) if found is None: raise RuntimeError('Hyperparameter {} not found.'.format(name)) return _return(found, with_metadata)